Thursday, September 3, 2020
Pharmaceutical Treatment Options for Myasthenia Gravis Article
Pharmaceutical Treatment Options for Myasthenia Gravis - Article Example The neuromuscular intersection (NMJ) has the differentiation of being the principal site of a characterized autoantibody intervened neurological infection, to be specific myasthenia gravis (MG), which is because of autoantibodies to the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) (Vincent, 2002). Different focuses at the NMJ incorporate muscle explicit kinase (MuSK) in MG patients without AChR antibodies. About 20% of MG patients with summed up sickness in Europe, North America and Japan don't have AChR antibodies. These supposed 'seronegative' MG patients can be partitioned into two gatherings: those with antibodies to MuSK and those without [AChR/MuSK seronegative MG (SN-MG) (Hoch etal, 2001). In ordinary neuromuscular transmission depolarization of the presynaptic nerve terminal creates a convergence of calcium through voltage-gated calcium channels. Vesicles containing acetylcholine (ACh) at that point intertwine with the presynaptic nerve terminal film. After discharge, ACh collaborates with the acetylcholine receptor (AChR) on the muscle endplate surface. This opens the AChR channel, bringing about a convergence of cations, to a great extent sodium. Depolarization of the muscle surface delivers an excitatory endplate potential, and if the endplate potential is of adequate plentifulness, muscle surface voltage-gated sodium channels are opened. This creates an activity potential that in the end brings about excitation-withdrawal coupling and muscle development. ACh ties fleetingly to its receptor and afterward either diffuses from the neuromuscular intersection or is hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase (AChE), giving a self-restricted reaction to nerve depolarization. In MG, antibodies are coordinated against the acetylcholine receptors (AChR antibodies). AChR antibodies meddle with neuromuscular transmission through one of three systems First, some predicament to the AChR cholinergic restricting site, hindering the official of ACh. Second, some AChR antibodies cross-interface muscle surface AChRs, expanding their pace of disguise into muscle and lessening the quantities of accessible AChRs. Third, and maybe in particular, AChR antibodies that quandary supplement bring about pulverization of the muscle endplate, and an all the more dependable loss of AChRs. Medications like acetylcholinestrase inhibitors nhibits AChE, expanding the measure of ACh accessible to cooperate with accessible AChRs, in this way dragging out the activity of Ach, and permitting muscle constriction. Pharmacological treatment Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are the primary pharmacological decision in the treatment of MG. Acetylcholinesterase is an acetylcholine-hydrolyzing compound which ties the flooding acetylcholine in the neuromuscular intersection, keeping the intersection clean from exorbitant transmitter. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors tie to the acetylcholinesterase, repressing its activity. Pyridostigmine is a later long-acting reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors increment the measure of accessible acetylcholine in the neuromuscular intersection. This prompts upgraded authoritative of acetylcholine to the decreased number of AChRs on the myasthenic muscle cell layer, causing contractility improvement (Millard and Broom field, 1995) At the point when extra pharmacological tre
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Expectation that Romeo and Juliets Love is Doomed Essay Example For Students
Desire that Romeo and Juliets Love is Doomed Essay One motivation behind why Shakespeares work is so effective, famous and particularly around today is that it is written so that makes it engaging the crowd. The plots are held up by a firm spine of symbolism and smart artistic procedures. They are something other than a starting center and end, the entire plot is connected along with expectations and occurrences and everything unwinds all through like a bundle of fleece. One prime case of this is Romeo and Juliet. From the beginning of the play, in the preamble, Shakespeare utilizes language and symbolism to develop the desire that Romeo and Juliets love is damned. Extraordinarily, the play starts with disclosing to us that the primary characters are going to become hopelessly enamored and slaughter themselves. We know this since it says, the dreadful section of their demise markd love and a couple of star-crossd darlings end their life. This is a significant picture as individuals in the hour of Shakespeare were eccentric and trusted in crystal gazing. What's more, starting with saying they were star-crossed implying that their adoration was entwined with their fate and it said so in the stars, is especially piercing for those occasions. This is additionally a connect to when Romeo discovers of Juliets assumed demise and shouts out then I oppose you, stars! With this outcry, Romeo is stating that he resists fate. This picture makes the play to some degree cyclic, with it starting with saying that it is bound for them to bite the dust and completion with Romeo resisting his predetermination, to lose Juliet and simultaneously by ending his own life satisfying it. We will compose a custom article on Expectation that Romeo and Juliets Love is Doomed explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Shakespeare keeps on utilizing symbolism suggesting that affection and catastrophe are firmly connected. In Romeos discourse about his despondency over Rosaline, he says, love is a smoke made with a smoke of murmurs. This is a representation and could be stating that affection, similar to smoke, is befuddling, mists your judgment, stifles you and could now and then murder you and it is brought about by the principal murmurs of becoming hopelessly enamored. Despite the fact that Romeo is alluding to Rosaline this identifies with the idea of his and Juliets love which, obviously at last outcomes in their demise. In this equivalent discourse Romeo says that affection is additionally a stifling nerve, and a safeguarding sweet. This is an oddity and he is stating that however love is recuperating and sweet it can likewise be a toxin. Just as being an expectation of the way that it is love that slaughters both him and Juliet at long last yet in addition the fact of the matter is taken furt her by the subtleties that it is a blend that Juliet uses to counterfeit her passing and a toxin that Romeo uses to murder himself with in the tomb. At the point when Romeo and Juliet meet just because Shakespeare shrewdly utilizes symbolism and the possibility of new love amusingly as the crowd realizes that they are both bound to pass on for their affection for each other. In the scene where they meet Shakespeare put a ton of strict symbolism into utilization. Religion proposes church and blessed functions, for example, weddings and memorial services. This is a connection with the way that Romeo and Juliet get hitched and that there are passings in the play. A few instances of this will be this heavenly holy place, delicate sin, for petitions purpose. The religion of that time was Christian and Romeo and Juliet would have been Catholic. The possibility of the Christian religion is that of adoration and how Jesus kicked the bucket for the love of his dad and of his kin. In doing this he brought individuals of various foundations and sentiments together in one firm conviction. In a manner this is an unobtrusive expectation of how Romeo and Juliet bite the dust for the sake of adoration and rejoin the since quite a while ago contradicted places of Montague and Capulet. Minister Lawrence is a blessed man which is a connect to the strict symbolism, and he is likewise a specialist in herbs and their uses in elixirs and blends. This is a connection with how Juliet utilizes an elixir to counterfeit her demise and it is this which causes Romeo, on observing her dead, to murder himself, additionally with a harmful blend. In act two scene six, where Romeo and Juliet go to Friar Lawrence to be marry, William Shakespeare utilizes the character of the Friar as a device to depict to the crowd, through symbolism, that their affection will end in catastrophe. He says these rough joys have fierce finishes. Here the word vicious has two implications, when utilized close by delights it infers that the joy and love is wild and solid, utilizing its passionate importance. Though when it is utilized with closes it gives the impressions of hostility, murder and demise. This is a mystery and thusly a forecast that in spite of the fact that Romeo and Juliets love is solid their passing will be unavoidable. Romeo additionally says however come what distress can implying that he will wed Juliet and love her, whatever transpires. To the crowd this is emotional incongruity as we realize that extraordinary distress will occur for them both and carry distress to both their homes. Another of case of symbolism being utilized in Friar Lawrences addresses is not long before this. He says that poison hath habitation, and medication power implying that in one bloom both recuperating forces and powers to execute lie one next to the other which connects to a significant topic in the play, that affection and passing walk inseparably. Minister Lawrence says Now ere the sun advance his consuming eye, the day to cheer, this could be a connect to when Romeo says it is the east, and Juliet is the sun and by saying that the sun lights up the day reflects how the adoration for Romeo for Juliet lights up his life. This is unexpected as Juliet is additionally the explanation Romeo ends it all. This symbolism is additionally a continuation of the Astrological symbolism that is so significant for depicting a story put together so solidly with respect to destiny and predetermination. .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 , .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .postImageUrl , .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 , .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043:hover , .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043:visited , .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043:active { border:0!important; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043:active , .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043:hover { murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uc3c36d bf85a235330dffc761c72b3043 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uc3c36dbf85a235330dffc761c72b3043:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Elizabeth's honesty EssayWhen Romeo is tested by Tybalt to a duel and won't battle him as they are connected on the grounds that Romeo wedded Juliet. Mercutio, who is in difference of this, battles Tybalt and is killed. The perishing Words of Mercutio, who is neither Montague nor Capulet, are A plague a both your homes this is a forecast that Romeo and Juliet are going to end their lives as Juliet is of a similar house as Tybalt, Capulet and Romeo is a Montague. When Juliet discovers that Romeo is the person who executed Tybalt, she discusses him utilizing heaps of confusing expressions and mysteries, to depict that howe ver Romeo is acceptable and she cherishes him, he has accomplished something horrendous. One Catch 22 is, o snake heart, covered up with a stream ring face. A few instances of the confusing expressions in the discourse are Beautiful despot, beast angelical, Dove-featherd raven, accursed holy person, decent scalawag. These depict the way that Romeo is excellent and acceptable and yet he is shrewd as he seems to be, all things considered, an adversary of her family. These pictures likewise mirror the idea of Romeo and Juliets love for each other. On one hand it is a decent and delightful thing, on the other it will eventually lead them both to their inauspicious passings. This is another case of Imagery being utilized to develop the desire that Romeo and Juliet are destined to pass on for affection. Again the fact of the matter is focused on that for their situation, love and demise walk connected at the hip, indistinguishably. At the point when Romeo and Juliet go through their first night together, they additionally spend their last. As Romeo is leaving and Juliet is attempting to convince him to remain, he says to her, communicating his satisfaction in the wake of going through the night with her, let me be executed, I am content, so thou shrink have it so He is stating that now he has gone through one night with her he doesnt care in the event that he is gotten and kicks the bucket for Juliets purpose, it is his affection for her that makes him state this. Similarly he says, Come, passing, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. Both of these are forecast
Friday, August 21, 2020
Accounting Treatment of Intangible Assets Free Essays
Bookkeeping Treatment of Intangible Asset Draft Pace University ACC692 Summer I By Yigal Rechtman July 30, 2001 Introduction What is the issue? Representing intangibles has picked up unmistakable quality in the previous scarcely any decades because of changes in the manner the business world works. The innovative upheaval and specifically, the data age, has carried elusive assets to the fore of the business condition. Organizations ( even the most conventional creation producers ( are moving towards a data age where a serious edge is progressively connected to assets other than the fixed and fluid resources as comprehended by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). We will compose a custom article test on Bookkeeping Treatment of Intangible Assets or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now Some examination has indicated that representing Intangible Assets (IA) â⬠a general term that will be characterized and isolated later â⬠will satisfy the exactness prerequisite of the bookkeeping capacities and reports. Other research has demonstrated that precision should be exchanged off with importance of the bookkeeping capacities and reports. Still other research asserts that neither precision nor importance are served by representing assets that don't meet the momentum meanings of Assets under GAAP. In like manner, there are two inquiries in regards to the representing IA: 1. Should the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles perceive as monetarily important and precise occasions that emerge from IA? 2. By what method should GAAP record, procedure and present these IA related occasions (if the response to address number 1 is certain. ) Question number one is replied in the positive: the presence of IA in the present business condition is demonstrated in rehashed examinations. Further, the monetary impacts of IA on enterprises has indicated that not unveiling or representing such assets adds up to miscomunications with respect to the movement and money related condition of a business. The examination that was utilized in this paper has indicated that Intangible Resources are progressively a factor in the business world. Elusive assets, as will be talked about underneath, is a super-set gathering of vital components that add to the accomplishment of a business. IA, thus is a sub-set of the Intangible Resources. The paper expects to investigate the present scope of intuition comparative with IA and how such assets ought to be esteemed, perceived and introduced in the money related revealing of U. S. organizations. The subject of how to represent IA presents various difficulties, some of them related back to the appropriate response of the principal question. As this paper will appear, perceiving IA on an entity(s books can be viewed as a characteristic subsequent stage, particularly for certain information industry type organizations. Be that as it may, the difficulties to the issue of acknowledgment remain: how to decide IA in a significant way? How to report IA and what are the conceivable consequence of elective bookkeeping medicines? Degree and Method of Exploring the ProblemScope and Method of Exploring the Problem The way toward discovering data about the points identifying with IA, and getting a comprehension of the issues, included a presentation by methods for partaking in a meeting regarding the matter and acquiring complimentary readings of distributed articles. The Third Annual Conference on Intangible Assets, supported by New York University(s Ross Institute created a narrative of the introductions, which were utilized in this paper. Extra distributed material was acquired through the ABI-Inform database, via looking for (Intangible Assets(, (Intangible Accounting( just as (Assets Valuation( and (Appraisal, Intangibles( for the years 1976-2000[? ][i]. The inquiry was restricted to articles accessible in full structure on line (versus articles in which just the theoretical is accessible on line. ) This paper alludes to twenty articles that were gotten through ABI-Inform and ten articles from moderators at the NYU(s gathering. Two focuses ought to be made as far as the extent of the conversation. In the first place, the conversation incorporates IA as it is caught and introduced for outer, perhaps reviewed, clients of the entity(s far reaching fiscal reports. Except if in any case expressed, budget reports in this are given congruity of United States( Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP). Inside the last limits, gauges, for example, amortization and helpful existence of an Intangible Asset (IA), albeit a legitimate issue, will be commonly out of the extent of this paper. The explanation behind the restriction is that for income purposes, just as for asset report examination, such gauges speak to administrative prerequisites and give little by method of catching the embodiment of the issues encompassing IA. Along these lines, a definitive reason for this paper is to wander out of the kept wellbeing of U. S. GAAP and research what different isms are workable for introduction of a Statement of Financial Position which joins impalpable resources. The strategy for this paper comprises of examining the three models which are utilized to survey the options in contrast to bookkeeping IA: valuation, acknowledgment and introduction. Every one of these standards is estimated on a scale from 0 to 100 (then again, from 0. 0 to 1. 0) to show the degree of the takeoff of the option from the at present acknowledged technique, for the most part the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Since Goodwill is now a set up IA under current bookkeeping rules, it will be talked about first (for every standard) to show the degree of the current treatment. Albeit other IA, for example, Human Capital or Patents exist, they are regularly either unaccounted for or just supplanted by a nonexclusive (Goodwill( passage on the books. In spite of the fact that they are largely elusive resources[? ][ii], it very well may be demonstrated that not all are Assets (as characterized in this). This paper will likewise investigate the likelihood that, maybe immaterial resources, for example, Human Capital ought not be fill in for by the conventional (Goodwill( passage. Definitions Some indistinct, covering and unstructured definitions involve the arrangement of IA issues. thusly, a few specialists have utilized conflicting meanings of IA, diminishing the straightforwardness that bookkeepers and monetary specialists need to talk about these issues. Albeit great examination has been distributed, such research is regularly not steady in extension or definition to other casing work and reasonable expositions that are contemporarily distributed. In this way, beside giving this (animal( an appropriate name, and calling every one of its parts utilizing a similar scientific classification, coupled here from different sources. The word reference characterizes IA as (an advantage that is saleable however not material or physical([? ][iii] and (Intangible: â⬠¦ a benefit that can not be seen by the sensesâ⬠¦, for example, Goodwill or dedication([? ]. As indicated by the FASB, an inside created IA is proposed to be defined[? ][v] as: (1) a past occasion that has a (2) quantifiable impact and that presents a (3) future advantage. The FASB Special Report[? ][vi] states that there isn't a requirement for various standards of acknowledgment for inside and remotely created IA. The FASB explains that inside created IA is basically an (Asset( without a physical nearness, nor has to it be an outer procurement: as long as every one of the three tests are adjusted with, any business occasion or procedure can deliver an IA. The FASB further notes that there is an installed strife in this definition since it contains a takeoff from the (notable cost( standard. The transition to a (forward looking( definition is protected by the FASB in arguing for additional revelation, not an alteration for the arrangement and substance of the current introduction rules. In this introduction, to characterize IA (inside or remotely created) the FASB definition will be relevant. Scholarly Capital (IC): A business element utilizes three kinds of capital: physical, monetary and intellectual[? [vii]. Scholarly capital (IC) is characterized as an impalpable resource that isn't monetary or physical and that has been (formalized, caught and utilized to create a higher-esteemed asset([? ][viii]. The crude material, caught and formalized during the time spent capitalization of IC, is information. Information dwells inside an individual, a gathering of people or substance wide. Information that is organized in a proper way (for th e most part with a data framework, automated or something else) is simply information. At the point when it is intentional and valuable, information is viewed as data. Data utilized is knowledge[? ][ix], which can turn into an IC. In the conversation of IC, a few disaggregation of IC exist. With the end goal of this conversation, the accompanying order will get the job done as (comprehensive(. This paper doesn't plan to be thorough in its definitions. It tends to be demonstrated that different instances of IC can be found (and the definition stretched out) without weakening the impact of the current issues. The grouping proposed in this paper utilizes the accompanying instances of IC: Human Capital, Intellectual Capital and Structural Capital. Human Capital (HC) is seemingly the most slippery from representing in budgetary or quantitative terms. Some[? ][x] contend that HC is the most dynamic worth driver in the business world today. Scholarly Capital (InC) has been on occasion introduced under various names, as well: (Patents and brand names[? ][xi]( or Social Capital (the last is a meaning of a cross breed of Human Capital and Organizational Capital. ) InC, uniquely is licensed innovation that come from (or identify with) advancement inside the entity(s business. Auxiliary Capital (SC) can be better portrayed that characterized: SC is any influence that can be depicted regarding the connections of capacities inside the association and the influence of substances outside the association. For instance, a client base relationship â⬠qualified or measured â⬠is a SC that can be depicted as a
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Top List Of Interesting Proposal Essay Topics Ideas
Proposal Essay Topics Ideas The purpose of a proposal essay is to propose an idea and provide evidence or arguments to convince readers why an idea is good or bad. Consider yourself as a salesperson; your goal is to convince the customer why to buy a car, jewelry, or some product. In this case, the product is your idea and the customer is the professor. If you have never worked on a proposal essay before, you might feel insecure thinking thereââ¬â¢s no way to pull it off. Not so fast! With a few ideas and simple strategy tips, you can complete this assignment successfully. Also, you can find college essay ideas on our site! So, letââ¬â¢s start! Your proposal essay should contain To create a high-quality proposal essay every time, you just have to follow the simple outline that revolves around: Introduction ââ¬â provides background information and important details the reader should know before you move on to the other parts. The introduction has to catch the readerââ¬â¢s attention, make him/her want to read the paper. Letââ¬â¢s not forget the last sentence of the introduction accounts for a thesis statement. Proposal ââ¬â aà statement of purpose. Generally, this is a brief section that informs the reader about your proposal i.e. the idea you want him/her to adopt. Make sure this section does not contain details about how you plan to carry out the proposal. Plan of action ââ¬â here, your job is to explain how you plan to achieve the proposal. What will you do to show your reader why your proposal is valid? This is the section where you have to convince the reader to agree with your ideas. For every plan of action or evidence, use a separate paragraph. Conclusion ââ¬â summarize the key points in a conclusion and include a call-to-action, if applicable. Make sure you donââ¬â¢t include new information into the conclusion because you would have to elaborate it thoroughly, and thereââ¬â¢s no room for that in a paragraph-length section. Connect with a professional writer in 5 simple steps. Start now Please provide as many details about your writingstruggle as possible. Next What's the area of study of your paper? English Business and Entrepreneurship Nursing History African-American Studies Accounting Anthropology Architecture Art, Theatre and Film Biology Business and Entrepreneurship Chemistry Communication Strategies Computer Science Criminology Economics Education English Engineering Environmental Issues Ethics Finance Geography Healthcare History International and Public Relations Law and Legal Issues Linguistics Literature Management Marketing Mathematics Music Nursing Nutrition Other Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Religion and Theology Sociology Sport Technology Tourism Next How many pages do you need? Next When is it due? 01 AM 02 AM 03 AM 04 AM 05 AM 06 AM 07 AM 08 AM 09 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 AM 01 PM 02 PM 03 PM 04 PM 05 PM 06 PM 07 PM 08 PM 09 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 PM Next What's your e-mail? Next Done! Tips for proposal essay Carry out thorough research to find as many details as possible Support all your claims i.e. ideas with evidence Use only relevant sources, avoid blog posts and websites that arenââ¬â¢t credible Cite all the sources you use to avoid plagiarism Demonstrate your vocabulary skills and avoid overusing some words Avoid slang and informal speech Instead of including a bunch of ideas that are poorly discussed, stick to 3-5 ideas that you will develop thoroughly But what happens when a professor allows you to choose the title for a proposal essay? What to do then? Not to worry, youââ¬â¢ll find some amazing ideas below. 100 best proposal essay ideas Writing a proposal essay is not as hard as it may sound, it doesnââ¬â¢t matter how your professor or teacher describes it. Researching and choosing an interesting topic is the main point of writing an essay. Youââ¬â¢ll easily find something suitable for yourself with the list of topics below, arranged for our readers by category. Education The topic of education carries a lot of problems and solutions, old ideas conflict new ones. Someone may try and give more possibilities and chances to students; others focus on treating teachers well. Youre free to choose your side and explore these topics. How can educational television shows about science receive more funding and airtime? Why are foreign languages in school important for our education? What can be done to improve studentââ¬â¢s reading comprehension instead of calling words aloud without understanding them? The most successful inventors were known as wrong-thinkers at school. Later they were acknowledged as risk-taking pioneers. So should a teacher give students the chance of failing and learn by making mistakes? The current student grading system is flawed, but it can be fixed with these methods How should students be graded? How can parents, teachers, and society at large encourage more children to pursue an education in science? How can teachers improve sex education courses? How can teachers spot signs of bullying in their classes? In what ways can foreign language courses be improved? Health ââ¬Å"Healthy mind in a healthy body.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s not a coincidence we always hear this phrase, as it is one of the most powerful quotes of all time. With chain restaurants growing and teenagers starting to drink or smoke earlier, writing an essay about health is a powerful move. In what ways can we reduce childhood obesity? How can parents make sure their children adopt healthy life values? How to reduce the rates of smoking among adolescents? How can the country ensure adequate health care coverage for all citizens without exceptions? How can be kids be persuaded not to experiment with drugs? Can antidepressant use enhance suicidal behaviors? Should it be limited or banned? What should be done to increase the funding for cancer research? What is the best way to prevent deaths from drunk driving? The risks of birth defects are significantly higher in test-tube babies. Should couples adopt children instead of having in-vitro fertilization? What would be an effective program to curb illegal drug use? Edusson can write your paper. Our core features: 100% Private 24/7 Support Timely delivery Order Now Student lifestyle These topics may become the closest as you are a student. They will be the easiest to write and you might even use your personal experience in the process. Raise issues that your peers can relate to, and your proposal will be successful. What can be done to create a more well-rounded curriculum for middle and high school students? What are the measures to reduce alcohol use among adolescents? How can parents encourage their children to do more extracurricular activities? How can kids with divorced parents be counseled to do well in school, build successful lives and marriages, and have strong relationships? How can parents help children avoid or deal with bullying in school? How can parents protect their children from peer pressure? What is the best way to teach children responsibility? What is the most effective way to discipline a child? What can teachers do to establish a balance between engaging students and letting them overtake their authority and influence among students? What is the best way to impose and improve parental involvement in childhood education? Environment Environmental problems are discussed everywhere nowadays making this list the most interesting for the current audience. You can include a huge amount of recent research, creating a well-thought essay. What can the average person do to combat global climate change? What can the government do? To change the world you have to change yourself. What can you do to help the environment? Should animal exploitation by the dairy and meat industries be banned? Is veganism the only way to protect animal rights? What can be done for obsolete lifestyles? What can we do to reduce the risk of teen pregnancies? What improvements have to be made regarding sex education courses to decrease the rate of teen pregnancies? While vegans require others to respect their choices, why canââ¬â¢t they respect someone elseââ¬â¢s? What strategies can help solve this issue? Should dog bite laws be more specific? For example, should pit bulls be banned, or should more attention be paid to the education of dog owners instead? What is the best solution for the problem of plastic bags? How can countries embrace the use of bicycles for short journeys? Technology The use of technology and the Internet has had a huge influence on society and the modern generation, making it the most progressive so far. Topics regarding this matter can differ, giving a student a wide range to choose from. How can people reduce their dependence on technology? How should children be taught about responsible Internet use? How to protect yourself and your identity from online theft. In what ways can companies and consumers keep sensitive information more secure online? How can parents and teachers effectively help eliminate cyber-bullying? Issues with cyber-crime and how it can be prevented. Are technology changes in our libraries effective for student research? Is wireless technology more cost-effective? Do you think teachers over-rely on technology in the US? Is technology advancing at a high rate and harming society? Sports Weââ¬â¢re touchingà something close to the health topic. Sport is a huge part of modern life, controversies and drama nowadays provides a topic to discuss for every fan. Should college athletes be paid? How can colleges better handle the combination of education, athletics, and business? How can coaches take encouragement to a whole new level for athletes? How can coaches and players talk to the media after losing a game? Should the use of steroids be legalized and monetized instead of being prohibited? Can the media do a better job at covering sports on television? If so, which sports should be shared? Should it be mandatory that players chosen for a team prepare themselves for possible injuries in the future and inability to play? How about retirement? Should hunting in all forms be prohibited by law? Should extreme activities for entertainment be banned? Benefits that daily exercise and sports bring to adolescents with physical or emotional challenges. How different activities (fitness, swimming, running, etc.) influence adolescentsââ¬â¢ mood? Cybersport: can experienced gamers be considered professional athletes? Culture Topics of culture donââ¬â¢t just touch on modern living or traditions. Itââ¬â¢s fair to include bullying, discrimination, tolerance, and bigger problems like racism or fascism. You need to be careful, as all these topics are quite sensitive. Bread and circus culture versus traditional family values. Different things parents can do to ensure their child treats others with respect. How can parents raise their children to have a sense of humility as opposed to entitlement? How can the government or society as a whole reduce homelessness in the United States? How can the government reduce the rates of discriminatory behavior toward ethnic minorities? How can we promote more tolerant behavior within US society? Lack of tolerance leads to erratic, racist, and fascistic behavior. Different measures to put a stop to those actions Risky behaviors are celebrated while morality is considered outdated and unacceptable. How to change things around? So many experts and so much bad behavior among children these days. Measures to take to turn things around What can be done about the decline of morality in the media? Business We can for sure say that business culture is overtaking the world today, bringing lots of issues and concerns into everyday life as well as creating false expectations. Everyone is involved in business already, whether youââ¬â¢re a businessman with a huge factory or just a customer at your local grocery shop. What initiatives should be implemented to protect small businesses from economic problems? What are the solutions to the erosion of trust contribution to the decline of the American business sector? How to support local businesses and prevent them from being destroyed by huge chains. Should the customer have the right to report mistreatment of companies lying to consumers? What can be done to solve the problem of unemployment? What is the most effective way for parents to teach their children about money? What steps should be taken from restraining qualified teachers from leaving the teaching profession? Employees should have the right to use their private emails at work. Should the emails remain private? What is the solution of unemployment among the youth? Does bankruptcy have to be an option? History Your exclusive point of view on historical background is something worth telling. You can find something interesting in the list below or customize the topics for your own taste, making it about your country or city. How did strong female leaders such as Jeanne dArc impact the development of society? An introduction to the Paleolithic Age: the development of society, fishing, hunting and gathering, and scavenging A list of the most significant historical events that shaped modern society. Would the possible outcome of WWII be better had the opposing side won? How did the abolition of slavery influence the US? Did its influence differ from other countries? What is the impact of Karl Marx on society? How were his writings abused in a variety of nominally communist parties, movements, uprisings, and nations? What are the events that led to the fall of the Roman Empire? Did the hippie culture of the 1960s normalize drug usage all over the world? The impact of gender roles of Roman society. Politics Choose topics that are most appropriate for the country youre currently living. You can explore the issue of improving the political situation in your city; try to create a new revolutionary idea and get people interested in it. What measures to introduce to avoid the next economic crisis? What could be done to make the electoral system more effective? What can be done to prevent other countries and parties from interfering in US elections? Does espionage law violate free speech? Should it be banned or improved? How can the government better handle illegal immigration? How can the government make programs such as welfare, Medicaid, and Social Security more effective? Measures to take to provide better conditions for US veterans. Should all prisoners have voting rights or only individuals on probation and those who have already served their sentences? What should be done to lower the national debt? Should people buy so many things using credit? What can be done to handle the culture of debt? Art and music This list contains the most diverse and varied topics, itââ¬â¢s more relevant to hobbies which will be easy and interesting to write about. If you are looking for a quick topicââ¬â write an essay on art and music. Should the government invest in funding and grants for up-and-coming musicians and artists? Discuss the benefits of art for society and individuals separately Which contemporary artists and musicians have had the most impact on you as a person? Explain their impact. Does rap music influence the behavior of modern teenagers? Is there a difference between rap of the 90s and modern rap regarding messages for society? How did the evolution of 1980s music influence US history? The evolution of the film industry post-World War II that shaped the modern era. Was the New Wave movement in cinema revolutionary? The British music invasion into the US market: an effect on American music. The transition from the 50s to 60s fashion. Is ââ¬Å"Darkness Fallsâ⬠by Patrick Hughes unique artwork? Bottom line When writing a proposal essay, your goal is to propose a few ideas regarding a certain topic, elaborate them, and convince readers to accept them. Picture yourself as a salesperson who has to convince the customer to make a purchase. Use the title ideas above to practice. Also, you can read aboutà connecting ideas in an essay! And never forget to useà essay checker!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Plan Your Remodeling and Home Improvement Projects
It all begins with a dream. Cathedral ceilings! Skylights! Room-sized closets! But, the dream may turn into a nightmare, unless you plan ahead. Before you remodel, follow these steps to get your home improvement project on the right start. How to Remodel a House: 1. Draw Your Dream Even before you consult an architect, you can begin sketching out your ideas and imagining your dreamsââ¬âjust get over the reasons not to remodel your home first. If you are adding or expanding a room, think about how the space will be used and how the changes will affect traffic patterns. Also consider how new construction will affect the overall context of your home. An oversized addition may overwhelm your house or crowd a small lot. A simple home design software program can help you visualize your project. Which Home Design Software is Best?Symmetry and Proportion in DesignFree Tools to Help You Choose House Paint Colors 2. Learn From Others One of the best ways to get inspiration and to avoid pitfalls is to follow the experiences of other homeowners. A number of Web sites offer online chronicles of home improvement projects, along with reply forms, message boards, and chat rooms that let you ask questions and get feedback. Ask around about local networking in addition to these: DIY ChatroomReddit has a number of DIY communities, including Home ImprovementThis Old House 3. Think Ahead Although you may dream of having a spacious new addition, the project may not make sense if you plan to sell your house in a few years. A luxury bathroom can price your house beyond the values in your neighborhood. Some projects, such as vinyl siding on a Queen Anne Victorian, will actually decrease the value of your home. Moreover, your own familys needs may be very different in a few years. Will the plans you draw today fit your future? Plan for StorageBuild to Save EnergyChoose the Best Plans 4. Count Your Money Even the best-laid budgets can go bust. Chances are, your remodeling project will cost more than you expect. Before you set your heart on high-end ceramic tile, find out how much you have to spend and make sure you have a cushion against cost overruns. For must-have items that could wipe out your savings account, explore home improvement loans and other financing options. If you own your home, a line of credit is often the best bet. Consider online borrowing from reputable companies that bring together small investors with borrowers. The Better Business Bureau reviews companies, such as the Lending Club. Some people depend on crowdfunding, but you should know your comfort level and understand what youre getting into. How Much Will It Cost?Build on a BudgetBuilding Cost Estimators 5. Choose your team Unless you plan to take on the entire remodeling project by yourself, youll need to hire helpers. Naturally, youll want to make sure that the folks who work for you are qualified, licensed, and properly insured. But, finding the best team for your remodeling project goes beyond a simple reference check. The architect who has won top awards may have a design vision very different from your own. If you have an older house, hire someone who knows the time period when your house was built; putting a finger on historical appropriateness is an undervalued skill. Use these resources to find the professionals you feel comfortable with. Do You Need an Architect?How to Find an Architect 6. Negotiate a Contract Whether you plan a simple carpentry job or a major project requiring the services of an architect and a general contractor, misunderstandings can lead to disaster. Do not begin remodeling without a written contract. Make sure everyone agrees on the work that will be completed and how long it will take. Also be clear on the types of materials that willââ¬âand will notââ¬âbe used. Top 10 Building / Remodeling Contract Issues 7. Get Permissions In most parts of the world, a legal permit is required before you make structural changes to your home. The building permit assures that the remodeling project meets local building codes and safety regulations. If you live in a historic district, the permit also assures that exterior changes to your home are in keeping with neighborhood guidelines. General contractors will usually take care of the paperwork, but small-time workers may not... and the permits become your responsibility. 8. Plan for Problems - Make Ground Rules The larger the remodel job, the greater the chances are for frustrations. There will be equipment breakdowns, supply shortages, miscommunications, and delays. Draw up a few friendly rules for workersââ¬âtell them where they may park their trucks and store their equipment overnight. If concrete is involved, know where the leftover will be dumped. And, dont expect contractors to take care of your petsââ¬âthe family dog and cat may be happier at a relatives summer camp. Also, take care of you and your family. Plan for ways you can indulge yourself when times become especially stressful. Schedule a day at a spa and reserve a night at a romantic bed and breakfast inn. You deserve it! Why Remodel a House? Theres a difference between renovation and remodeling. Renovation is aligned with preservation and restorationââ¬âkeeping up with repairs and the original intent of an historic house. The word itself means to make new againââ¬âre- novus. The root of remodeling is something different. It shows a dissatisfaction with the current model, so you want to do it again, to change something. Too often people get involved in remodeling a house when what they really need to do is remodel themselves or a relationship. So you might want to ask yourself this: Why do you really want to remodel? Many people have good reasons to make a changeââ¬âlife events (does someone now use a walker or wheelchair?), different circumstances (are the parents about to move in?), or preparation for the future (shouldnt we install a home elevator now, before we need it?). Some people just like change, and thats okay, too. The first step in any home remodeling, though, is to take a step back into self-reflection. Know why youre doing something before you make the plan how to do it. You might save yourself a bunch of moneyââ¬âand a relationship. Good luck!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparing The Lenses Of Personal And Social Identity
How is it for you to see yourself through both a personal and social identity perspective? How did your Cultural Chest increase your understanding? In comparing the lenses of personal and social identities, it is interesting to note the role that other people play in influencing social conceptions as compared to those which are inwardly shaped. In relation to Tatumââ¬â¢s reference to Charles Cooley, considering my social identity made it clear that ââ¬Å"people are in the mirror in which [I see myself]â⬠(Tatum, 2003, p. 9). However, I also found that these ââ¬Å"peopleâ⬠were not as welcome when it came to my personal perspective. When I constructed my Cultural Chest, the outside of my box was predominantly limited to observations rooted inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦How did it feel to listen to those in class? How do you feel about your sense of comfort and trust in the group? Listening to others in class was both connecting and extremely comforting because of the sense of familial transparency that ensued. Each presentation came off as authentic, and it was clear that there were many details and experiences shared that normally would have been glossed over- or simply omitted- in other class settings. In experiencing this, my sense of comfort and trust in the group increased tenfold. Despite the fact that the majority of us do not yet know many details about each other, we havenââ¬â¢t been interacting like this is the case. With this group, I feel increasingly comfortable and as though I can trust that my experiences will be respectfully processed and remain private when our dialogue ends. When was the first time you experienced this thing called race? What happened? Describe the circumstances and the reactions of other people around you. Ex. Parents, friends, siblings. What were your feelings? When I was six years old, a highly unfortunate case of lice prompted my mother and her boyfriend to drive me to Supercuts, hand the hairdresser a hastily cut coupon, and instruct her to chop all of my waist-length, curly hair off. While this was- and continuesShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Dalton Conley s You May Ask Yourself 1267 Words à |à 6 PagesA-11). Sociological Imagination is the idea of being able to step outside of the box, and evaluate society from an alternative point of view. Symbolic Interactionism, norms, socialization, and the idea of understanding yourself vs. understanding the social aspect of society, are some of the key concepts mentioned throughout this paper, to help break apart what the sociological imagination consists of. 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In combination with this, her age also impacts the way she is viewed from those in positions of power and from those in dominant social groups. Based on the way Yasmeen dresses, in traditionalRead MoreDoes the Internet Make Us Smarter and or More Socialized?2333 Words à |à 10 Pagescultural experience not only for adults but for children as well. It is a learning tool used to educate in schools and within our homes. The surfacing of the Internet as another means of electronic communication has had a transformative influence on social interaction. The Internet gives people the opportunity to put their knowledge to work and take advantage of greater opportunities to lead productive and fulfilling lives (Gates). It is a gateway to measureless amounts of art, knowledge and cultureRead MoreWhat Makes A Leader? An Online Learning Environment?2265 Words à |à 10 Pagesquality, and social background. This study examines the simulation data of the 2015 GlobalEd 2 Project, which consists of 337 7th and 8th grade students representing 18 countries. The three dimensions were analyzed under a multilevel model in order to interpret their relationships with the development of online leadership while capturing the nesting nature of the data. The results indicate that participants who speak more speak volumes. The ability to use persuasive language and social background,Read MoreThe Relationship Between Academic Performance Of Sports And Non-Student Athletes4602 Words à |à 19 Pagesacademic success than others? Why do extracurricular ac tivities such as athletics tend to have major influence, either positive or negative, on overall student academic success? This is evident in many studies of this magnitude, including research comparing mens and womens top athletic teams, which reveals that women academically outperform men (Bailey Bhattacharyya, 2017). In considering a correlation study such as this, the relationship between academic performance of athletes and non-athletesRead MoreMy Personal Learning Goal Essay2403 Words à |à 10 Pagesnon-EU Citizens. It excited me to know how historic of a time it was to be in the United Kingdom. Brexit made the exploration of my personal learning goal far deeper, more exciting and more impactful that I would have ever anticipated last spring when selecting my area of focus. In the Spring, I had no idea about Brexit or the influence it would have on my personal learning goal. I feel fortunate for this experience and have enjoyed reflecting on London in light of my learning goal. Thinking aboutRead MoreWarby Parker6174 Words à |à 25 Pagesproviding high quality frames with best in class polarized lenses. As a way of cutting costs, Warby Parker decided to avoid middlemen and go directly to the manufacturers in China, circumventing traditional channels. 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Online Fashion Stores and the Internet
Question: Discuss about the Online Fashion Stores and the Internet. Answer: Introduction The fashion industry is a very vibrant industry. With most trends changing faster than we can keep up with them it is essential for any business in this industry to be up to date with the current fashion trends so that they can lure clients into their business and for them to make purchases. In the fashion industry firms have developed business to consumer sites which have enabled them to sell their products online to a wider range of clients all over the globe (Amor, 1999). A brick and click firm is a business or a firm which has both an online presence such as an ecommerce website and a physical location where they sell their products from (Web applications meets bricks and mortar, 2013). In the transformation of businesses in the current digital age there is a huge need for businesses to keep up with the changes. Businesses have to know where there potential clients spend their time and how they do their shopping so that they can adapt and capitalize on them to remain relevant in the market and still make profits while at it. In businesses which have an ecommerce site it is necessary for them to have a physical location so that they can be able to transform their online reach of clients into potential clients who buy their products online or visit their physical location to make their purchases (Tkacz Kapczynski, 2009). Any business that offers a physical shop, and has an online presence, benefits from these two platforms in the making of sales (Pettit, 2012). They can be able to sell their products to clients who are near their shops to other clients who are around the globe. There are various firms in the fashion industry who have an ecommerce site which they use to capitalize on the online scene to make their sales (Beynon, 2004). As there has been increased sales of goods and services in all areas of business the Middle East has not been left out. The Middle East has seen over 4.43 million online shoppers. These numbers have been seen cumulatively in all areas of the Middle East such as Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and UAE. There are various sites that sell fashion ware among other products within the Middle East. They include,, and They are also other websites around the globe that are famously acclaimed for selling fashion ware. They include and The emerging trend in the fashion industry and basically almost all industries is about gaining the online presence and operating digitally. This is primarily because of the congestion that comes about with the presence of having physical stores; not to mention the costs involved and low clientele. Ideally, the online presence has served to change the way fashion shopping is to be carried out and affected. The consequences have been a positive outcome in a majority of instance as some of these online shops retail on the international sphere. While most of the retailers come from the United States and the United Kingdom, the Middle East also serves to facilitate for a good number of the international market (Timers, 2000). In this respect, this paper will focus on the online presence of Boohoo of the United States of America, ASOS from the United Kingdom and of the United Arab Emirates. These are online fashion stores that have great presence in the digital scope. One of the features of the online sphere is that content is readily available and there is need for easy accessibility of the content. This easy derivation of data and navigation is what enables users to a site to frequent it often (Economic focus, 2010). However, online sites that are not easily defined and navigable make it difficult for users to find anything they want and as a result, they opt for other sites hence lowering the performance of the previous site (Sherry Macredie, 2005). With regard to the three sites under study, each of them has an active online presence with an effective client base. ASOS is one of Americas largest online fashion stores headquartered in the United Kingdom. The main targets of the site are the young adults presenting them with over 850 fashion brands to choose from. These brands are sold both online and through mobile experiences. The target markets of ASOS include the United States, Germany, France, China, Italy, Spain and Russia. In addition to the online experience, the company also ships its merchandise to its customers overseas to over 140 countries (Bidgoli, 2002). is the primary website of the company through which, customers can view and place orders for the latest fashion brands and trends. The site has been designed in a manner that is presentable and catchy to the needs of modern day young adults. This is such that, rather than the common professional look that many websites go for, has explored and worked beyond the ordinary in the design of its website. Upon logging into the site, it becomes evident who are the main beneficiaries and the various fashion styles on display. The navigation of the site is quite easy with the provided quick links (Rohm Swaminathan, 2004). Content is easily retrievable within the site by following the provided quick links. It is not easy to navigate through a site when its downloading systems are slow. The ASOS site however, has fast downloads thus saving on both time and internet data for the consumers. The graphics and overall display used in the site is captivating with focus placed on the needs of the consumer. This is in the sense that, the site has utilized a great portion of graphics to produce clear images and content. The linking capabilities to the web have been fully exploited (Doherty, Chadwick Hart, 2010). Deep linking methodology has been utilized making the site easily retrievable from the World Wide Web without necessarily having to visit its homepage. Finally, the privacy policy of is well defined at the bottom of its homepage and is acces sible by a mere click of the button. This gives the consumers a chance to understand the legal obligations of the company to the consumers and vice versa. Boohoo is an American based online fashion store whose primary targets are men and women in their prime. The sites overall appearance is one that ensures that both men and women are comfortable and welcome to use the site. Ideally, the graphics used in the site facilitates for its unisex appearance. Using the site is equally as easy as using However, finding content is not as easy. An individual has to scroll through the site to find the specific merchandise they are looking for and to see which products are attracting discounts (Bigne, 2005). Basically, Boohoo is a rather complex site that is best designed for the tech savvy group of individuals and the patient. Downloads in the site are quite fast once the user has found their way around the site and is able to navigate with ease. Nonetheless, the graphics and animation used in the site are very exemplary and project the professionalism and the casual nature of the target audience. In essence, the presentation in the site makes it lucrative for the target audience to select the look they wish to achieve. Like many other modern technology sites, Boohoo has well explored the linking capabilities to the web and can therefore be traced and found with ease in the global web without necessarily having to link it to the companys website. This practically makes it easy for many people to access the site either willingly or by chance and consequently increase its internet presence alongside clientele (Falk, Socket Chen, 2005). The target audience is mainly the elite class although many others can still benefit from its services. The sense of community is rather limited to the social elite and working class. The privacy policy is not easily traceable but it is a quick link at the very bottom of the page. is an online fashion store headquartered in the United Arab Emirates. Unlike many perceptions that the UAE might not have much to offer, the UAE has become the worlds new shopping center for a variety of products and goods (Thomas White International, 2012). This is inclusive of the latest fashion, perfumes, and accessories among other goods. The online store provides an array of products for the target market to choose from. Practically, the site caters for a wide range of customers of various age groups and body sizes in the clothing department. The general outlook of the site is one that is welcoming. On first site, a user can easily navigate through the site and gauge where what content is placed. The categorization of the goods makes it easy to locate that which a client is looking for and the site provides a variety of options to choose from even for just one product. The options provided are for both men and women in which, the site users have the option to select th eir most preferred designs, prices, brands and sizes as well. Being an online store from the Arabic Emirates, it would be expected that everything is in Arabic. On the contrary, the site is in English and provides the option of selecting products from the different Arabic nations or internationally. Navigation of the site is fast as everything is listed on the front page of the site. The sites downloads are fast and easily accessible throughout the site. The graphics used are of top quality and display the products in their exact appearance making it possible to estimate on which ones they want and in what color and size. Primarily, the site has utilized little of the linking capabilities of the web. The site can only be found within its webpage and not through other means such as deep linking. Nonetheless, is a communal site that makes people from across the globe to feel comfortable using the site. The sites privacy policy is eloquent and accessible at the bottom of the web page. Out of the three online fashion stores, is one that has received rather negative reviews from customers who were dissatisfied by their service and lack of adherence to their policies (Peterson, Balasubramanian Bronnenberg, 1997). It would be advisable for the company to re-evaluate its policies and look into the customers needs. The refund policy being the greatest concern should be reconsidered and restructured. Failure to do so will only cost the store its clientele. Secondly, the site needs to look into its general outlook and navigation so as to create a sense of community for its visitors and not the distinct categorization of its clientele. Improvements on its navigation in turn enable customers to easily find products. References Amor D. (1999). The e-business revolution. Prentice Hall. Beynon D. P. (2004). E-Business. Plagrave, Basingstoke. Bidgoli H. (2002). Electronic Commerce: Principles and Practice. Academic Press. pp. 57. Bigne E. (2005). The impact of Internet User Shopping Patterns and Demographics on Consumer Mobile Buying Behavior. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 6(3). Doherty N.F., Chadwick E. F. Hart C.A. (2010). Cyber retailing in the UK: the potential of the Internet as a retail channel. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management. 27(1): 22-36. Economics focus: The click and the dead. (2010). The Economist. pp. 78. Eisingerich A. B. Kretschmer T. (2008). In E-Commerce More is More. Harvard Business Review. 86 (3): 20 -21. Falk L.K., Socket H. Chen K. (2005). E-commerce and Consumers Expectations: What Makes a Website Work. Journal of Website Promotion. 1(1): 65 -75. Now a Digital Mall Boom in the Middle East. (2012). Thomas White International Peterson R.A., Balasubramanian S. Bronnenberg B.J. (1997). Exploring the implications of the internet for consumer marketing. Journal of the Academy of Science. 25, 329 346. Pettit R. (2012). Learning From Winners: How the ARF Ogilvy Award Winners Use Market Research to Create Advertising Success. Taylor Francis. pp. 32-33. Rohm A. J. Swaminathan V. (2004). A typology of online shoppers based on shopping motivations. Journal of Business Research. Marketing on the web behavioual, strategy and practices and public policy. 57(7): 748 757. Sherry Y.C Macredie R.D. (2005). The assessment of usability of electronic shopping: A heuristic evaluation. International Journal of Information Management. 25: 516 - 532. Timers P. (2000). Electronic Commerce strategies models for business-to-business trading. John Wiley Sons Ltd. pp 31. Tkacz E. Kapczynski A. (2009). Internet Technical Development and Applications. Springer. p. 255. Web applications meets bricks and mortar: A Dictionary of the Internet. (2013). Oxford Reference. Oxford Reference. Oxford University Press.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Essay Topics on Community Health Care That College Students Has to Face
Essay Topics on Community Health Care That College Students Has to FaceFinding interesting argumentative essay topics on community health care is an important part of what college seniors have to go through in their college years. This is where their journey and discovery as a new generation comes into play. They are being challenged with the ability to think critically, articulate well and write well.Social problems like poverty, healthcare issues and income inequality are all very interesting argumentative essay topics on community health care that college seniors will encounter in college. Health care, hunger and the lack of funding for clinics and hospitals all have huge implications on the quality of life and well being of the citizenry. It is also an opportunity for them to meet the residents of their communities who will also be there for them.There are many different topics for a persuasive essay that a senior can consider. These include crime, drug addiction, labor and emplo yment issues, public education, single motherhood, healthcare policies, healthcare in rural areas, healthcare in the urban centers, environmental issues, sexual education, ethnic diversity, healthcare disparities, single motherhood and family issues. There are many more topics that are worth considering.Using an interesting topic for your argumentative essay is not only smart but also vital to your success as a student. The power of this kind of essay that you will write can work to change the direction of your life and the lives of others. It is not enough that you will get a grade and an A in your class; you will become a leader in your own community.The ideas and issues that are important to a productive writer, the topics for argumentative essay topics on community health care are as important as the grades you may earn in school. In order to do this you must use what you know about yourself and your goals as a future resident of your community. At the same time you must be able to keep these skills and make it a lifelong habit.Ideas are the fuel for creativity, solutions to problems and hope. Writing an essay topic on a subject that impacts you personally and gives you the ability to influence the life of others is how you write your name into the history books. These topics are powerful tools that every single student should be able to use.So this is a quick look at some of the interesting essay topics that students have to face in their academic careers. With just a little bit of research you can come up with all kinds of interesting topics. After you learn a little more about yourself and your community, you will soon have the ability to write about anything.
Friday, April 3, 2020
The Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers Diaries
The Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers Diaries If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers Besides taking good notes, you will need to write five or more paragraphs that synthesize the principal points of the reading passage and lecture. You will be able to take notes as you listen to it though. Summarizing is when you share the most important thought of a story, book or article in your words. Each paragraph starts with a new significant point that's then explained. You don't require an introductory paragraph, but you need to definitely compose a thesis statement. In each one of the 3 paragraphs, your very first sentence, known as the topic sentence, is going to be the point you're explaining from your thesis. To state your primary point, your very last sentence in the very first paragraph is critical. The Fundamentals of Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers Revealed The lecture follows the very same pattern, with the principal points matching up with the key points in the reading passage. It's also important to understand certain concepts you'll use in your essays. Students sometimes be worried about the point of view they opt to take. Write down your ideas on a sheet of paper. Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers Ideas As stated above, one of the means where the examiner judges your vocabulary is the way many topic certain words you use. A paraphrase sti ll needs to be related to the original source, but since you aren't using someone's exact words, you ought not use quotation marks. The essay has to be typed, so test-takers ought to be acquainted with a computer keyboard. You don't have to be a grammar expert, but you need to demonstrate sentence variety. Other folks think that college students should base their selection of an area of study on the access to work in that area. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Some people think that university students should be asked to attend classes. College students should base their selection of an area of study on the access to work in that area. Ok, I Think I Understand Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers, Now Tell Me About Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers! Regardless of this, you will obviously be more confident and be in a position to consider ideas more quickly if you're acquainted with the common topics. A couple weeks later, write about the exact same topic again to view how much you have improved. Nevertheless, the topics will most likely be very similar overall. Think about topics you're interested in and know lots about. Interview essay intends to offer a particular view of an object, event or phenomenon, dependent on the answers of unique folks. You will need to write on the subject you're given. You will obviously not have the ability to predict the precise topic that will come up. The topic is going to be a comprehensive surprise. The examiners do not expect you to be a specialist on the essay topic, they simply would like you to show that you may write clearly and persuasively in English. TOEFL raters study your capacity to produce unique kinds of sentences. Now that you've practiced short writing and understand some vital strategies, you are prepared to get started writing practice essays for the TOEFL test. Knowing the most typical IELTS essay topics lets you revolve around the most crucial vocabulary. How to use the proper essay structure is the initial step in boosting your TOEFL writing score. Learning these words before the exam for the most frequent essay topics ought to help you get a greater vocabulary score. Honest, dedicated practice is a whole lot more useful and potent. Critical judgment of work in any certain field has little value unless it comes from somebody who is a specialist in that area. Many students have trouble thinking of particular examples, but it's a significant part of great writing. The Do's and Don'ts of Toefl Essay Writing Topics with Answers You may also find different discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. Getting involved in a group procedure can be extremely rewarding for members of the group. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. Students should always question what they're taught rather than accepting it passively.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Tips on Empathy Essay Topics
Tips on Empathy Essay TopicsHave you been having a hard time in developing your empathy essay topics? Well, this article will tell you exactly how to choose the topics that are most meaningful for you.As you may have noticed, your writing skills are one of the most important factors when it comes to being an effective writer. Empathy is very important, and I think we all know it. But how do you know what to write about in your empathy essay topic? Well, let me share with you some great tips to know which topic is most meaningful to you.Firstly, you need to start with something that interests you. If you are not interested in it at first glance, I suggest you find out why you have an interest in that subject and what kind of problems your compassion may be useful to solve. Find out what your passions are and how can you utilize them to serve your goal.The second most important thing you can do is to be open to different choices. For example, if you have a passion for politics and the desire to make changes, I think you will have a lot of things to say about that. On the other hand, if you are not too much into politics, you can consider writing on a hobby or a sport. It does not matter what you enjoy doing, as long as you are willing to write about it, and since you are an active writer, there is no doubt that you will be able to convey a lot of information on that topic.Lastly, you can start by writing down your thoughts and feelings about this topic. Make sure that you discuss what you think, what you feel, what you think about and what you do not think about. This will help you not only in formulating your empathy essay topics, but also in clarifying your thoughts about the topic.I think it is a good idea to go over your essay topics again, but from the perspective of what the most important factor is. From my experience, I believe this will help you focus more on what is most important, and how you can best express your thoughts about that topic.This is a ve ry simple and easy to understand method to determine the most important element in your essay topics. But do not expect too much from this method. As I said, this is only for those who don't have much of experience in writing.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
What Is So Fascinating About Term Paper Wiseessays?
What Is So Fascinating About Term Paper Wiseessays? Get the Scoop on Term Paper Wiseessays Before You're Too Late Every kind wants a distinctive strategy. There are interviews to assist you in making your selection. Furthermore, the team shared a lot of ideas and information about themselves, so it appears sincere. With our customized essay offer, you can be guaranteed to find any essay help you're looking for. By means of example, in the event that you began Writing ones training or dissertation and aren't positive you might can make a superb launch, to be able to file format an individual's annotated bibliography correctly, you're invited to request our own support. There's literally no such person who might write papers for various classes equally well. Knowledge and expert experience also has a crucial role in term paper writing. When faced with several competing academic commitments and a strict time period, your very first option may be to use the information that you have already acquired to compose the paper and prevent conducting any meaningful research. Various other online Writing companies impose regarding changes together with edits once they've provided an individual an individual's paper. Many studies are carried out on the level to which gender differences are caused by social influences. College kids are often made to pull all-nighters just in order to study for each of their exams, so there is going to be the occasional paper they won't be in a position to write properly or submit in time. College term papers are a rather common assignment. You'll discover their services split into several categories that have academic writing, dissertation solutions, admission solutions, editing solutions, and assignments. It's often tough to define which companies are in reality trustworthy as you subconsciously believe everything that looks good. The organization guarantees confidentiality and acceptable refund services necessary. Besides, it specializes in a wide variety of academic writing services. Term Paper Wiseessays - Over view There are several types of term papers. They are essentially large essays. The only way out then it to get they help. Not to mention there are many sorts of custom written term papers. Our term paper assistance is precisely what you demand. All these alternatives are accessible along with beneficial to the students, if they're in a procedure to write term papers. It needs a good deal of investigating since it's a sort of research paper. No matter if you're a student which is looking for a writing service to assist with your term paper or another assignment you've got due, or one that wishes to voice their opinion for their experiences with one of these companies, writing-reviews. If you would like to compose your essays or term papers all on your own, below are some tips that might help you to compose good excellent essays, term papers. Luckily, there are many customized essay writing services that provide a broad range of paper types for multiple academic levels. Fortunately, there's a solution! The organization is well-known for its affordable rates. It has a good reputation online. Introducing Term Paper Wiseessays On the 1 hand, the provider appears like a reputable one that gives professional support to clients. Nevertheless, it has a superb rating among its previous customers. Anyway, the service includes a professional custome r assist workforce that's obtainable 24 hours every day. Paper outstanding provider, these writers service various services to your tasks. Term paper writing is the important part of the academic writing. Essays may also be written in a completely free form, whilst custom term paper writing is extremely strict when it regards the format. Customized term paper shouldn't be too wordy or sophisticated. Term paper help would become your savior! Needless to say that a few folks are all set to do anything rather than writing an academical paper. The better paper is, the greater grade you will receive. It's registered in Cyprus and hires writers all over the world. If you opt to turn into a customer of wise essays, you make the best choice. Moreover, students who chose to enter two or more courses are normally not able to deal with the volume of tasks they have. Over 900 UK professional writers ready to address any challenge. There are lots of them now, and a lot of them employ professional writers and possibly even professors. Strict choice of writers makes this service the one which you can definitely trust to your legal essay. Certified writers are eager to lend a helping hand to anybody who has difficulties with service homework. Seasoned writers create original materials for every single customer.
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